A chiropractic adjustment is a precise and specific “energy infusion” into the nervous system. It’s not the same as being “cracked”, or lifted, or squeezed, or whomped on. Beyond the amount of training it takes to become a chiropractor, there’s the subtle ART of the adjustment. This is all about matching the amount of tension that you come in with, and then guiding your body to relax and release that tension.

As you can imagine, the tension in a CrossFitter’s back and shoulders is a LOT different than the restriction in a newborn who’s not turning her head to nurse.   Every chiropractic adjustment is uniquely tailored to YOU, and your body, and your movement and tension patterns.

Every adjustment helps you reset YOUR nervous system, to help you sleep better, digest better, and switch your body from fight or flight to  rest and restore.  Need to get adjusted before the holiday stress? Reach out and get on our schedule!

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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