I love chiropractic. When a person comes in with pain, pressure, digestive issues, restrictions, and headaches, I love adjusting, teaching, healing and releasing that problem. 

Sometimes it’s a short-term problem or injury, and sometimes it’s a chronic or recurring injury. The physical solutions are the same: an adjustment sets joints into motion, releases restrictions, calms nerves, releases inflammation, and restores your body’s natural / innate healing ability. 

Often I give exercises, stretches, or use the magic of RockTape to speed the healing process.

Stress / trauma / pain  has different causes: physical, chemical, or emotional. Physical causes are straightforward: low back pain after too much yard work or too much sitting. Chemical causes include inflammation from an unhealthy diet, side effects of medication, pollutants, or exposure to other chemicals. (Think of your digestive system if you’ve had bad food or are suffering the after-effects of a hangover. ) 

Emotional causes are sneakier and less obvious than too much yard work, but they create a long-term, cumulative effect. If you’ve been in a bad relationship for years, and your self-esteem is wiped out, you’ll be less likely to take care of yourself immediately.  You may wait too long before getting an injury or illness checked out. And a bad long-term relationship might be with yourself, if you put yourself down or feel like you’re not  “worth it”.  Perhaps you’ve run yourself down with fatigue and anxiety. 

Although talking things out during a chiropractic visit is therapeutic, I never had the tools to help release the emotional causes of trauma that I see locked in muscles, joints, the spinal column - or how it shows up as recurrent pain, headaches, skin conditions, digestive issues, or unresolving pain. 

Until now. Since February, I’ve been immersed in a program called Rapid Transformational Therapy, learning how to get to the root cause of physical and emotional issues. When there’s been a trauma in your life, you can’t go back and change what happened to you - that’s obvious. But it’s possible to change your mind’s RESPONSE to the trauma, so it doesn’t perpetuate  ongoing destructive / negative patterns and behaviors. 

Think of it like carrying a grudge. If someone has wronged you, intentionally or not, and you carry the hurt and resentment, only you are suffering because of it. Buddha said it best:  Holding onto anger Is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. 

A few weeks ago, I worked with a fellow RTT student who had a dislocated shoulder injury that just wouldn’t heal, despite physical therapy and other healing therapies. When we did an RTT session together, her shoulder injury stemmed back to resentment, powerlessness, and being unheard as a child and as an adult.  Releasing those emotions and gaining clarity empowered her to make new decisions and to speak up for herself. 

When I checked in with her a week later, she said “I was thinking how wonderful I felt after our session. I am exercising better than ever feeling strong and fit, ready to start my day energized and motivated. I am sure all my pains were an accumulation of emotions from all that came up in the session, and you dealt with them fantastically!!!”

 Upgrading my skills has never felt so powerful!  

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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