(Note: this blog was published in 2019.)

Seventeen years ago I got my Iowa chiropractic license and graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic. 

In hindsight, though I was full of “knowledge” when I graduated, my education started when I went into practice…. Because PRACTICE is how you get good at doing what you do. 

So this is me at my first office, in Marengo, Iowa.  Yes, I AM wearing a sweater vest.

17 years as a chiropractor = 17 top insights! 

1. The best thing I EVER did as a chiropractor was surround myself with the right staff members, whom I appreciate every single day. They do all the “hard stuff” behind the scenes to keep the practice running smoothly.

2. I can’t FIX anyone, but I can help your body’s natural healing process get jump-started through the adjustment.

3. My personal motto, swiped from Michelangelo:  Ancora Imparo - Always Learning. 

4. I will always keep the faith in your body’s ability to heal, even when you can’t.  Whether your pain is new and acute or an old, chronic “friend”, your brain shuts down hope and optimism ...and you begin to think you’ll NEVER be back to normal.            That’s when I step in as a Hope Dealer, to remind you that your body is constantly repairing, renewing, rewiring. 

5. I’m good at what I do, which is delivering quality chiropractic adjustments.  Other professionals are important and necessary members of your TEAM to keep you healthy. You may need physical therapists, acupuncturists, nutrition coaches, and medical doctors and nurses to keep you at optimal health. Think of me as part of your healthcare team.

6. You ALWAYS sleep better after you’ve been adjusted, because your brain will do a “reboot” with sleep so you can heal faster.

7. Low back problems always cause pooping problems.

8. Tingling, numbness, inability to turn your head because your neck muscles are tight, weak immune system, loss of grip strength, constipation, are all symptoms of an underlying problem. Medicine can affect all of these, but doesn’t usually get to the root CAUSE of them.

9. Tingling = nerve problem. 

       Numbness = nerve problem

       Loss of grip strength= nerve problem.

       Inability to turn your head because your neck muscles are tight = nerve problem.  

       Weak immune system= nerve problem. 

       Constipation= nerve problem.

Solution? Get adjusted and get the nerves sending and receiving correct messages.

10. Concussions aren’t always diagnosed, and they can lead to all sorts of problems: being off-balance, vertigo, double vision, light sensitivity, migraines, sound sensitivity. PLEASE get checked and adjusted if you’ve had any type of head injury.  

11. Multiple Concussions cause cumulative damage. First steps to repair the damage are to stay off ALL screens, minimize bright lights with sunglasses or pinhole glasses, get WAY more rest than you think you need, and avoid sugar and white carbs, which are inflammatory. Your brain is already on fire after a concussion - don’t fuel it with inflammatory foods!

12. When something doesn’t move well, RockTape it. When’s it’s too loose and sloppy, RockTape it.  RockTape is a hug for an overstressed and painful body part. If you don’t know how, ask me and I’ll help you!

13. How you see, sense and move in the world determines your health.  If your vision is screwy, if you’re off-balance, if you can’t feel the floor under your feet - you will move differently. Get all your systems “online” through adjustments.

14. Your nervous system controls EVERYTHING that happens in your body. Think of it as your electrical system - if you blow a fuse to your stomach, you’re not going to digest very well. That’s what an adjustment does - it rewires your brain and body through your nervous system.

15. Tech neck is a real thing …. PLEASE look up and away from your phone or your computer and do the 20/20/20 rule many times a day. Look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes. Your eyes, neck and brain will thank you!

16. An adjustment shifts your nervous system from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest”. You have the power to make this shift as often as you need to through your breathing. Pay attention to your breath and practice this: breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breath out for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts.  Repeat this pattern when you need to calm and reconnect yourself. Teach this to your stressed-out spouse, co-worker, and kids!

17. I appreciate each and every one of you! YOU are the reason I’m here, and you fuel my joy, my passion, and my endless curiosity of the miracle of healing.

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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