Got that tune in your head? Channel your inner Bangle and let’s do some neck exercises to correct bad neck posture!


These are called neck retractions, and the goal is to get your ears in line with your shoulders.


Quick check: where are your ears, compared to your shoulders, right at THIS moment?  If someone took a quick photo of you from the side, would your head be jutted forward?


Do this instead (bonus points if you cue up “Walk Like an Egyptian” on YouTube while you exercise!)


Stand against a wall with your back flat and the back of your shoulders, arms, and palms pressing into the wall.

Allow your neck to come forward.

Retract your neck back and press the back of your head against the wall.


Hold for 10 seconds.


Repeat 5 times. 


As you hold for 10 seconds, you’ll feel the muscles in your neck activating and getting stronger.

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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