Some days are SO smooth. Or at least they start out that way. I'm prepared. I'm organized. I've packed a healthy lunch. I'm hydrated AND caffeinated. I am excelling at being the mom. 

And screw comes loose, and one wheel starts to wobble, and then that one wheel comes off, and I go from adult to toddler in a flash. 

The dogs get in a fight. I can't find the right shoes to wear. My whole outfit is stupid. My left sock is bunchy. One kid ignores me, and I'm offended. The birdseed bag is empty and I feel terribly guilty because ALL those tiny birds will go hungry. My coffee is tepid, and I can't microwave the travel mug. And I just want to have a meltdown. 

Been there? Know what I mean? Within minutes (or seconds), the day goes from calm and controlled to chaotic and derailed. 

With an ADHD brain, it's easy to slide into a day-long cranky spiral of low self-esteem. We have super-quick, imaginative brains, and our brains can manufacture LOTS of evidence for our faults and weaknesses. 

AAANNNNNDDDDDDD with the right reframe, our super-quick, imaginative brains can be reset to the positive again. How? 

Through the power of our senses. It's SO easy, when we get stuck ruminating on something, that we have a body that goes with our brain. By jumping into a sensory experience, we can very effectively halt the downward spiral. Then we can recover our day and make better decisions again, instead of being stuck in an emotional vortex. 

Quick resets: block your left nostril and breathe in a pleasant scent with your right nostril. Use whatever you have on hand - a candle, an essential oil, an orange, a favorite spice, some scented lotion.  Do this for 3 nice long inhales. 

Do 10 jumping jacks, or do just the arm motion of jumping jacks - anything that has you reaching out to the side and overhead. 

Pretend you're a flamingo and balance on your left leg. Be as silly or as elegant as you want. 

Walk an imaginary tightrope all the way across the room while reciting the alphabet, or while counting backwards from 20.

These body-to-brain resets are just a few things you'll learn in my upcoming course.

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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