Here’s a common perception of a hypnosis session to change a bad habit, like smoking. 

Imaginary hypnosis session: 

Hypnotist: “How can I help you today?”

Client: “I want to stop smoking.”

Hypnotist: “Sure, I can help you with that.”

Client: “Great! Can we do this right now?”

Hypnotist: “Of course! Here, let’s count you down from 10 to 1, put you in a deep trance, and let me embed powerful hypnotic suggestions into your unconscious mind so that you’ll never want to smoke again.” 

(Some time passes in a deep hypnotic state.)

Client: “Wow! I feel amazing! And I have no desire to ever smoke again! It's a miracle! Thank you! How did you do that?”

Hypnotist: (With a spooky laugh) … “I just took control of your mind….”

Client: “Wait, what? What did you do to me?”

Hypnotist: Mysteriously….”Only time will tell…and now, I command you to ….”

Client: “Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!”


In reality, during a hypnosis session: 

Hypnotist: “How can I help you today?”

Client: “I want to stop smoking.”

Hypnotist:  “Sure, I can help you with that. Let me ask you some questions that will help you understand your unconscious motivations for being a smoker. When you recognize and bring them to light, you’ll be able to completely control your own mind as you become a nonsmoker and create new, healthier habits. This is much more powerful than willpower or nicotine patches or gum, because the answer and the solution already exists within your own mind.”

Client: “What? You don’t just do some voodoo on me and *make me* stop smoking?”

Hypnotist: “This is a collaboration between us as we find the best ways for you to become powerful and in control of your own life.”

Client: “But I’ve tried to think through all the logical reasons that I should stop smoking but I can’t stick with it.”

Hypnotist: “That’s because you’re using only your logical and limited brain, not the full realm of your unconscious mind, where the magic and possibility is infinite. 

Client: “You lost me with all of that. It sounds hard and weird.”

Hypnotist: “Have you ever come up with great answers or a solution to a problem when you’re taking a shower, or on a long drive, or while mowing the lawn - doing something completely unrelated to the problem?”

Client: “Why, yes, I have! I get great ideas or solutions when I’m watching YouTube videos of funny pets or when I’m zoning out to TV.”

Hypnotist: “Aha! The power of trance to free your mind!”

Client: “Ohhhhh, NOW I get it! That sounds so easy!”

Hypnotist: (Deep hypnotic voice) … “That’s right….”


Seriously  - hypnosis is a collaboration. It's similar to a coaching session or therapy, without going into the deep dark past. With hypnosis, the power lies in bypassing the logical - and often critical! - conscious mind, so that  you can access your kind and compassionate unconscious mind. And believe me - your unconscious mind is waiting for you to ask for help. Once you learn how to access your own unconscious mind through questions, you can truly tap into the immense power within you. 

It's SO much easier than you expect - and often fun and funny - because your unconscious mind recognizes that humor is a great way to make breakthroughs. 

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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