How can you strengthen your low back, to prevent further episodes of pain?


One of the best low back neuro-strengthening exercises has huge benefits, and will be easier than you expect. It has nothing to do with deadlifts, heavy weights, getting down on the floor, or going to a gym. 


Here’s how you do it:


Grab a water bottle, soup can or light weight (3 pounds or less). STAND UP, hold the water bottle or weight in your right hand, then extend your arm out to the side to shoulder height. (If you have shoulder pain, reach up as high as you comfortably can.) 


Repeat this 10 times.


Now switch the bottle / weight to your left hand, and do the same lateral lift 10 times on the left.



You must be standing.

You can only do one side at a time.

The weight should be light, but you have to use SOMETHING as a weighted object.


The science behind the magic:  When you’re standing, and holding a weighted object in your right hand, lifted to the side, your brain automatically “turns on” the tiny muscles all the way down the LEFT side of your back so you don’t tip or pull to the right side. Your brain KNOWS that a water bottle is pretty light - but just in case it gets unexpectedly heavy, your brain has to engage all those left-sided back muscles, especially in your lower back. It’s a safety mechanism to prevent a fall. 


So switch to the left hand, lift to the side, and your brain turns on the right-sided back muscles.


(This is why you can’t cheat and do both arms at the same time….you want your low back muscles specifically engaged for the painful side. So if it’s right low back pain, use your left hand. However, I highly recommend doing both sides!)


This is an excellent preventative exercise… do it daily, 10 reps each side.

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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