Chiropractic can be confusing to explain, because every chiropractor has a different technique and system of adjusting. It’s not a standardized procedure, like going in to have blood drawn or having your teeth cleaned. 


But regardless of the technique used, all chiropractic is based on the same principles: when your spine has a misalignment, signals don’t get through your nervous system correctly, and your body can’t heal efficiently or function optimally.  


Did you inner five-year-old understand that? Heck no. 


A five-year-old would understand a cell phone, though. Can you play games on a phone or watch a video when it’s turned off? Nope. Can you get YouTube when there’s no signal? Nope. What happens if you drop the phone and it breaks? What happens if the sound is turned off? 


A kid would get that it’s all about the SIGNALS. Either the phone works, or something needs to be fixed so it works right. Either you’ve got good Wi-Fi, or you don’t. 


Your brain, nervous system, and body is infinitely more complicated and marvelous than the best phone out there. Your brain and nervous system are multi-tasking SO many systems to keep you feeling, digesting, moving, hearing, remembering, seeing and interpreting, tasting, tuning in to your favorite person’s voice, breathing, planning for the future, and THOUSANDS of other activities all simultaneously - without your help.


Chiropractic adjustments keep the WiFi turned on. Being adjusted is picking up the best signals so your brain and nervous system coordinate so you can function at your best. When you don’t get adjusted, the most common signal that comes through is pain - it’s like getting amber alerts even when you can’t get reliable texts. 


Most of us are VERY reliant on our phones … picking it up and checking it dozens of times per day (some studies say, on average, over a hundred times a day!) Give your spine and nervous system some love and attention too … get adjusted regularly!

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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