How do you know you need an adjustment?  

  • You feel fatigued.
  • Your brain is foggy.
  • You're clumsy or uncoordinated.
  • You're anxious and can't relax.
  • You're not sleeping well, and you're not waking up rested.
  • You're depressed, and it's hard to get off the couch and find joy in your day.
  • You're stomach feels "off."

All of these are signs that your flight or fight nervous system is on overdrive.

You have two nervous systems: one of them ramps you up for action and the other one calms you down.

When things are going well, these two systems work to keep your energy ramped up when necessary and calmed down the rest of the time. 

Unfortunately, most of us live all "ramped up" with stress.

Imagine that you're getting into your car on a nice sunny day. The windows have been rolled up and it's hot inside the car. So you open the windows or turn on the A/C and your car cools down to  a comfortable temperature.

But what happens if the A/C doesn't work? What if you have HEAT or MORE HEAT?  Now the stress cascade begins: you're sweaty, you're angry, you don't want to eat your snack because it's too hot, you're anxious and angry because THERE'S ANOTHER BILL TO PAY and when are you going to have time to get the car to the mechanic anyway? So you get on your cell phone to vent about this ... and later, you can't get to sleep or stay asleep trying to solve this problem.

That's what your nervous system can do: it can stay stuck in HEAT mode until an adjustment resets your COOLING system.

So you come in for an adjustment. Those precise points along your spine and skull control your nervous system, and the adjustment resets your nervous system to work appropriately. 

Then you'll lose the brain fog, the sleeplessness, and you'll dial down the anxiety and gloomy thoughts.

Do YOU need an adjustment right about now?

Angela Hall

Angela Hall

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